Track Record

We have passed the largest school bond in Oregon history and over $2.5 billion in school funding measures since 2015. we have led successful campaigns from school board to secretary of state. Our direct mail has won national awards. we have created and implemented successful multi-platform strategic communications for non-profits and businesses across the northwest. We led the grassroots effort to bring MLS Timbers to Portland. We ran the campaign to create the nations first vote by mail system. Our track record is clear: we help our clients who already make a difference in our community increase their impact.


Passage of the local option levy for the state's largest district, Portland Public Schools, ($341.2 million 5 year teacher levy). This renewal passed at the highest rate in Portland Public Schools history (72.5%) and in every precinct in the district.



Passage of a $125 million school improvement bond for the Reynolds School District in East Multnomah County. Reynolds School District voters had twice rejected a similar sized bond in the past 10 years and the last successful passage of a bond in Reynolds was 2000.



Passage of the $298 million Gresham-Barlow School District school improvement bond. This was the largest bond ever passed in East County history and the largest tax increase ever passed. This bond vote was 100% new money (not a renewal) and comes in a district that in 2013 rejected a similar size bond by a 23 point margin (63% to 37%) and had not passed a bond in 16 years.



Passage of the largest school bond in Oregon history. The $790 million dollar Portland Public Schools was approved by a 66% to 34% margin.



Passage of the 4th largest school bond in Oregon history. The $408 million dollar Hillsboro Schools Bond was approved by a margin of 67% to 33%.



Passage of the Corvallis School District $200 million dollar bond by 66% to 34%. This was a tax increase of .34 cent per a $1,000 of assessed value



Passage of the Oregon City School District, Astoria School District and Warrenton-Hammond School District Bonds totally over $300 million dollars. All passed by at least 60% yes vote.

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